2. An Agonising Wait

The excitement before Christmas morning. Or a birthday. That’s how it feels. The agonising wait for my initial round of feedback to arrive.

I sent “zeroth edition” review copies of The World That Was to ten test readers back in October. It was both exciting and scary, the first time that I had shared my story after over ten years of it bouncing around in my head. First contact.

I told my test readers that the book was mostly complete. About 90% finalised. I told them that I’d be rereading it at the same time as them, recording myself reading out loud to fix any clunky language. But the bones of the story were there.

Each book included a feedback card (below) with a handful of questions that I asked them to consider. I asked them to read it as a normal book, rather than marking out spelling errors with red pen. I wanted to know what they think of the actual story.

At the time of posting, I have already received feedback from three of my readers (four if you include the steady stream of feedback Joti has provided as she read). It has already proven to be super useful. My readers have found areas that need more detail, character motivations that were unclear, requests for alternate perspectives. Much of it is stuff I have already considered and just need to communicate more clearly (a huge advantage of having others read the book) while other points are lightbulb moments.

Each reader has contributed some unique tidbit or perspective and I am excited by the prospect of the much-improved book that will soon emerge. There is a strong temptation to dive straight in and address the feedback but I am holding off until I have received and collated all of it. It will be more efficient that way and efficiency has been the key to my Engineer approach to writing.

And so the agonising wait continues. Just a few more nights kept awake with excited anticipation, wondering whether the phone will buzz! Bring it on!


3. Everyone Hates The Sound Of Their Voice..!


1. Let’s Get This Blog Started!